IPU Buzz

Things We Miss About Our School Life

school friends

School life is considered the golden era of our lives. We might not agree to this while we are in school, but the moment leave our protective shells and step into the real world, we realize that it was really an end of a golden era.

We might have left school, but school life and its memories will never leave our minds and hearts. Whether it’s the friendships, or simply the punishments we used to get, everything had its own charm.

Here are some top things that we all reminisce about our school life!



One of the most dreaded, yet the most missed part of school life is the morning assembly. These were even worse during the cold harsh winter with freezing hands and runny noses. Every morning assembly started with the PT teacher forcing us to exercise and ended with the monitors doing a uniform check and national anthem. So many memories attached to morning assembly, yet festive assemblies top the charts!

With the school ground being transformed into a stage with the decorations, and the dance and music groups performing, festive assemblies were an altogether different experience and were worth the wait.

school assembly
(Credits- Online Coaching School)

One of the most awaited periods of the week for sure! Even those who did not have an interest in sports waited for this period just because we all got to hang out in the school ground and not study for a while. Having a close bond with the sports teacher had its own perks. Even in scorching heat and empty water bottles, playing till our shirts were wet with sweat was an altogether different experience. The worst nightmare of many was when the maths or science teacher hijacked our beloved games period to complete their pending syllabus.

games period
(Credits- Indian Link)

Read Also: Delhi’s Own School Board. What Does It Mean?



Everyone had their favourite teacher during school life that was a motherly/fatherly figure for us. Whether it was because of all the free periods they gave, or they allowed an entry into the staff room, we all had our own reasons to love and respect them. You could approach them with anything and everything you were facing in school without any hesitation.

This teacher changed the stereotype we had for teachers and treated us like their own child. If you are still in touch with this teacher after passing out, make sure to remind them that you still respect them!

favorite teacher
(Credits- dreamstime.com)

With metros, cabs and private cars, travelling locally in public busses is a rare thing. But during school life, travelling by school bus was an everyday occasion. Playing games, singing songs, eating together after a long day are all things that made the bus even more special. Sitting on the last seat was surely a moment of pride for many of us! During exam days, the bus ride used to become a doubt clearing session and helped us pass.

Waiting for the bus during dispersal, and staying back in an empty school was a thrilling experience! Yet, the best part of busses was using our friend’s shoulder as a pillow to sleep while going to school and drooling all over them.

school bus
(Credits- www.nhscbse.com)
Suggested for you- DARE: DELHI TO LONDON IN BUS



The list of things that we miss about school life is surely incomplete without school friends. The innocent friendships, without any drama and manipulations, is what we miss the most. Meeting during the break, in between classes and finally at dispersal was our social life. While many of us lost touch, lucky are those who still have the same bond with their school friends. 14 years of school life introduces us to many people, but if you are successful in making one true friend who is invited to each one of your birthdays, teaches you the syllabus right before every exam and is going to stick through the thick and thin, you are really very lucky!

school friends
(Credits- BuddyBits)
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