Hurray! The wait is finally over! Students of GGSIPU have finally taken a sigh of relief after the University officially announced that the end-term exams will be conducted in online mode.
The Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) released an official notice today, stating that the End Term Theory Odd Semester (3rd,5th,7th,9th) examinations will take place online for the academic session 2020-21.
The notice, dated 17.12.2020, clarified that the theory examination will be happening through online proctored mode w.e.f. 18th January 2021.
Another good news comes along the way! The Practical Examinations of the University will also be conducted online starting from the first week of January 2021.
Also Read: GGSIPU Reopening? Here’s All You Need To Know.
Considering the COVID-19 situation in Delhi, the University along with the Delhi Government has considered the online medium for the safe conduct of exams.

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Notice Released, GGSIPU Students Relieved!
Ever since the discussion about the mode of end-term examinations started, students were constantly worried as to what will happen.
Every other student was hoping and praying for the online mode to be finalized!
There were constant debates, exchanges of views, and chat amongst students on this very subject.
This had become a hot topic among the student community for a long time.
Now, students won’t have to worry about traveling miles in an unsafe environment, about the risk of getting exposed to the virus, and most of all, about studying so hard! (C’mon we all know the truth of online Exams, don’t we?)
Talking about me, I had lost almost all hopes that the exams will take place from the comfort of our home. But my friends constantly kept that hope alive. For instance, they kept on saying – “Don’t worry. Everything will happen in our favor.”
And now here we are, feeling victorious as if we have conquered the land or what!
In the end, the University advised the students to keep visiting their official website for receiving regular updates.