With the COVID-19 pandemic still going on with full force, we have lost count of things in our daily lives that we have had to change. Dressing up is incomplete without a mask on. Something as routine as running a simple errand requires us to equip ourselves with sanitizers and gloves. Since all of this has changes, so has our education system. Everything has been shifted online, from classes to exams. However, just like it has not been easy attending classes from home, it is also not easy to appear for online exams as well.

Also Read: IP University Exams: Students Face Difficulty, Ambiguous Timings.
Here are some of the struggles all of can relate to while taking the online exams –
1. Internet connectivity
Making sure that the internet connectivity is stable during the entirety of the exam is the #1 problem for anyone appearing in the online exams.
2. The Temptation To Cheat
The constant itch to open up the book and look through the pages is so much that we end up looking even those topics that we already know. The privilege to place the books right next to the laptop has really spoiled us.
3. Someone Walking In
Since the exams are being held from home, the proctors are more than sincere in making sure that no one is using any unfair means during the exams and that there is no one else in the room with the candidates. However, this puts the student in a constant struggle to make sure that no one walks in during the exam hours, in which they almost always fail.
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4. Family Being Loud
Ever heard of a family that actually stays quiet for as long as you want them to? We haven’t either! Someone is always going to forget about the ongoing exam and talk loudly. It is surely impossible to get the perfect environment that one gets in examination centres.
5. Pets
If the humans cannot keep quiet and stay put for long, then how can we except the same from our pets? It is really confusing if you want your furry friend to be inside the room for moral support and risk all the mischief that they will create or you want them out making both of you lonely and bored for 2-3 hours. Those who have pets would surely relate to this.
6. Noise in the Neighborhood
No matter where you sit in your house, you cannot shut out the constant construction noise or the kids shouting in the streets. Not only you have to face all sorts of noise inside your house, but the neighbourhood contributes more than enough of it to keep your mind distracted the whole time.
7. Too Many Distractions
While noise is one problem, the biggest problem is to concentrate for long on the screen in front of you. The real struggle of appearing in exams from home is to maintain that examination mindset throughout the 3 hours and the very homely room with cushions on your chair doesn’t really help much.
8. No Friends Around
Something as dreadful as exams become fun with friends around, which is what all of us are missing the most. No one around to mouth out the answers to you or laugh silently when none of you even know which chapter the question is asked from. It feels really strange to sit alone in front of a computer screen.
9. Every Movement is Suspicious
The proctors are just as freaked out about the new technologies as we all are. That’s why some of them call out even when the students are doing absolutely nothing.It’s like one can not even move without looking suspicious to them.
10. No Hanging Out With Friends After Exams
Chilling out at favorite spots used to be the most fun part of exams. We would often look forward to it even before the exams get over. But with online exams, we are all stuck at home with nowhere to hang out with our gang.