The fee is an issue that haunts college students around the country these days. A list of institutions has seen students asking the administration to look into the fees issue in the last year.
Some of them were successful while some are not. But, the issue of GGSIPU fees is much more complicated. While the private institutions charge an already exorbitant amount of fees, students are forced to pay a regular fee even for attending a few online classes.
2020: GGSIPU Fees Hike Never Ends
In the midst of a pandemic, everybody expected the university to not increase the fees. Last year, the issue pertaining to the GGSIPU fees hike irked a large number of students. With the existing fee structure, a substantial amount of fee hike added to the student’s problems.
Last year, in a statement to Outlook, the spokesperson of GGSIPU, however, clarified the issue by stating it’s the Delhi government that takes this decision.
“The university does not increase the fee. It’s a decision taken by the Delhi government. There is a fee regulation committee, set up by the government, which decides how much fee should be charged from the students. We have duly notified the decision,” GGSIPU spokesperson Nalini Ranjan told Outlook. (inputs from Outlook).
Also, the constant pressure by affiliated institutes on the students kept bothering students. The whole student community condemned the fee hike. The University finds its cover behind the “fee regulating committee” of the Delhi Government.
Unpaid Employees, Paying Students
With no relaxation in fees and fee hikes, the student movement was ineffective. But, the matter is on the surface again. Recently, news of an allegedly underpaid staff at one of the reputed GGSIPU affiliated institute has raised a question again. Is the amount being paid actually worth it?
A few weeks back, in a mail received by IPU BUZZ, a faculty member reported how the faculties from the college were put on “no-pay again”.
Suggested For You: Reputed GGSIPU Affiliated Institute’s Staff complains of insufficient remuneration.
Subsidies: Error 404 Not Found in GGSIPU Fees

With the whole year going online again, students expected a marginal relief in the fee amount. In fact, as discussed earlier, it increased the fees for the fresh batch in 2020. It leads to a major setback for the students. With zero use of their affiliated institute’s equipment, the least that students were expecting was some financial relief, which doesn’t seem likely as of now.
While the issue around the GGSIPU fees is raised every year, it certainly isn’t something new. At times, the judiciary has stepped, whereas sometimes, it has come into effect with no problems at all. While an increased fees amount isn’t something the students are shying away from, the least that is expected from the authorities is a bit of empathy in these trying times.