From soldiers who leave their families to serve their mother country to women who give up their jobs to raise their children; should we really celebrate this and consider this as a heroic activity? Or they just don’t have other options?

When Should We Celebrate Sacrifice
Sacrifice should be celebrated only when we think about our revolutionaries who lived, fought, and died for their country. We all know, first, we were ruled by Mughals and then later by Britishers but the togetherness lead to the restoring of freedom. Someone’s lack of choice or options should never be considered as a cause for celebration.
How Recognition And Celebration Are Different?
Recognition and celebration sound identical but are actually diverse from each other. Recognition is something that should be cherished forever and celebration becomes an event to cherish that same recognition. Not every song is to be sung in public. Similarly, not every recognition should be a celebration.
Gender-Specific Sacrifice
Some sacrifice is sheer gender specific.
For example :
- Women are expected to leave they’re work-life and lead a happy homemaker life. Whereas, a child is the responsibility of both, mother and father.
- Men are expected to go out and earn a living for a better future. Why is this only the sole responsibility of a man to earn? Why not women ? Why not BOTH?
- Can anyone tell how many households carry their financial activities without their father’s concern?
Sometimes all we do is compromise and we misunderstand it by sacrifice. Nothing is wrong in both, but the recognition should be achieved and no sacrifice or compromise should go waste. Let us be the change that we all want to see in this society. Let’s talk about equity and rights and let us normalize this!