2020, Darkest year of all times, right? Every new day there’s a new story but something common in all of this is ‘darkness’. On the 14th of September, a 19-year-old girl was allegedly gang-raped and brutally assaulted in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh. After fighting with her life for the past 14 days, she took her last breath on the 28th of September.
When? Where? How?
This mishappening took place in Hathras(Uttar Pradesh) on September 14th. A 19-year-old girl was with her mother, cutting grass in the maze field. Suddenly, 4 men of the so-called ‘upper-cast’ chocked her with dupatta and then sexually raped. Her tongue was cut and the spinal cord was brutally broken. The mother of the victim says, she was cutting grass at a certain distance from her and it took her some time to realize that she was missing. When she searched for her daughter, she was found unconscious in the maze field.
The Accused
All four attackers are now accused of gang-rape by Hathras Police and are currently in police custody. The names of the four accused are Sandeep, Ramu, Lavkush, and Ravi. As protesters outside the Safdarjung Hospital are chanting ‘hang the rapists’, the woman’s brothers complained that her body had been whisked away by the UP police without their knowledge.
Cremation Without Informing The Family?
After battling with her life, the 19year-old-girl lost her life on the 28th of September. As her family and villagers suspected the UP Police, they wanted to complete the last rites of the girl, in the middle of the night. This is against the Hindu religion. The victim’s father pleaded to do her last rites in the morning but it’s said that police cremated her at 2:30 AM.

The UP police have been accused of rushing the cremation in a desperate cover-up attempt, reportedly.Is 2012 Nirbhya case repeating after all? Will this be treated as a serious ‘case’ or will this be another hype-it-and-let-it-go case ?
Do think about it and till then keep buzzing!