The pandemic is proving to be a nightmare for all of us. With every passing day, life is getting more challenging. In these tough times, the financial crunch is a given for many middle-class and lower middle- class family. Most of the IPU students are facing the same in their families. As a student community, we decided to know the thoughts of GGSIPU students on fees. By the campaign on our social media, we get to know the changes that students are demanding. Here, we are presenting some of them.
“Reduce the fees by 50%”
The response is evident enough to highlight the big fault in the current fees structure of GGSIPU.
Though 50% might be a bit too much for colleges to manage, the demand shows a huge discrepancy. It shows that students are not content with the fees being charged, against the quality of teaching being offered.
“Unreasonably high, especially amidst a pandemic”
Students believe that the fee is unreasonably high in this pandemic.
As online classes reduce the expenses of the college, students believe that the fee must be reduced for the upcoming year to give them some relief.

“Haven’t told my parents regarding the fee reminder”
The situations are not easy for anybody of us. But, some students are finding it extremely tough to keep up with the financial crunch. These word by one of the GGSIPU students is a clear indication of the problem among the students. While this is only one student, several others can’t afford the fees at this point.
“Like last year, nothing will happen”
Several statements like this show that students have lost their hopes regarding any sort of reduction.
On one hand, students believe that the fee structure is unjustifiable, they also have no hopes from the management. GGSIPU Students on fees are very dejected by the management.

“Fewer expenses, then why not lesser fees?”
Students are very clear about this point. They believe that without offline classes, the expenses of college have reduced significantly. With reduced expenses, students expect the university to reduce the fees for the upcoming year and relieve the students from the financial crisis.