IPU Buzz

GGSIPU Fees Reduction Petition By Students Gets 7,000+ Signatures

GGSIPU Fees Reduction

“Reduce the fees”. “There is no logical explanation of the fees we are giving”. “Management wants to fill their pockets, that’s it”.

These are some common phrases making noises in the “virtual” campus of GGSIPU. With an over-destructive second wave, many students have lost their financial track. As the next session at GGSIPU is about to start, students are anxious about the new fees structure.

With every passing day, the demand for GGSIPU fees reduction is getting stronger.

Recently, students are signing a petition to raise their concerns in front of authorities. Students are trying their best to let the university know about their problems. Tweets, petitions, emails, and all the means are opted to ensure that GGSIPU management hears their voice regarding fees reduction.

What Does The Petition Demand?

The petition for GGSIPU fees reduction is spreading like a forest fire. The petition has the following demands from the management.

a. Cancel miscellaneous expenses

GGSIPU fees reduction

With no extra expenses, colleges are saving a lot. It allows the colleges to run at lower costs. But, fees are still the same. The students believe that they must not be paying for services that they are not using.

b. Option to pay fees in instalment

Historically, GGSIPU takes annual fees in a single instalment. But, with unprecedented times, students demand unprecedented actions. Colleges must take the fees in multiple instalments to ease some pressure. It will allow some families to recover financially before paying the fees.

c. Refund 50% of last year’s fees

The demand looks ambitious but has a logic to back it up. Students say that with no end-sem examination and offline classes, last year was all on students. Universities have to bear almost zero expenses due to students.

d. Refined fees structure

GGSIPU fees reduction

As the current fees structure of GGSIPU is very stiff, students demand it to be more flexible. As the financial condition of many families has taken a hit, a more flexible structure is the only hope for the students.

The petition has got more than 7,000 responses, as of when this article was updated.

Click here to sign the petition.

Suggested for you: GGSIPU Students on Fees: Thoughts on Current Fees Structure

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