To propagate the ideology behind commemorating International Anti-Corruption Day, December 09, each year is marked as a platform to enrich people with awareness against corruption. This day also highlights the role of the United Nations Convention against Corruption in combating and preventing corruption.
The day remarks the need for quashing corruption and intends at creating awareness on the ways through which it can be reduced.
Governments across the world try and make laws and implement policies to check corruption as it undermines democratic institutions and slows economic development. Corruption affects electoral processes, perverts the rule of law, and creates bureaucratic argumentations.
Corruption scandals, as a matter of fact, have led to the dislodging of governments or senior politicians losing their posts.
Let’s Get Back To When It All Started; History
Ever since the adoption of the convention against corruption on October 31, 2003: The General Assembly of the United Nations without fail has been recognizing this day as so. Following this, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was designated as the secretariat for the Convention’s Conference of States Parties.
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News Update
“On the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, let us resolve to be honest and inspire others to do the same. #InternationalAntiCorruptionDay tweeted Union Minister Nitin Gadkari. Many others have echoed similar comments, and the topic is now trending on social media.
While this is an ongoing issue spanning across the world, the UN emphasizes that the aftermath may be far worse in 2020. With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to rage, global leaders have expressed concern about exploitative practices that may mean the difference between life and death. “The response to the virus is creating new opportunities to exploit weak oversight and inadequate transparency, diverting funds away from people in their hour of greatest need,” the UN website quotes Secretary-General António Guterres as saying. The UN is currently running a campaign to urge nations to “Recover with Integrity”.
The theme for International Anti-Corruption Day 2020:
Recover With Integrity
The theme emphasizes the urgent need for countries to ensure that anti-corruption is an integral part of all sustainable development efforts. Through this theme, the United Nations urges world leaders to build greener economies, end poverty, invest in women’s empowerment and gender equality, and provide Universal Healthcare Coverage.
United Nation’s on their website gave a little insight on what is Recover With Integrity – let’s see what they say: “During the ongoing pandemic all States have taken significant measures to address the health emergency and to avoid a global economic collapse. They have mobilized billions in funds to procure medical equipment and provide an economic safety net for citizens and businesses in distress. But the urgent responses required during the pandemic create significant opportunities for corruption. Therefore, this year’s theme emphasizes that an inclusive COVID-19 recovery can only be achieved with integrity and accountability.
But What’s The Reality?
According to UNDP, businesses and individuals pay an estimate of US$1.5 trillion in bribes every year. Besides, at least US$500 billion is lost to corruption in the health sector annually. The money lost in the health sector is more than the total cost of global Universal Health Coverage.
Is Celebrating the day more like a ritual OR some understanding of some sort is taken? What do the leaders and huge organizations have to say about the drastic reality behind it?
“On International Anti-Corruption Day, all of us – governments, businesses, civil society, and all stakeholders – must resolve to work together to promote accountability and end corruption and bribery for a more just and equal world,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
Union Minister for Civil Aviation Hardeep Singh Puri tweeted that India has “put behind a culture of scams and impunity to usher in an era of development with integrity.” He has asked people to renew the pledge of continuing on the path of development with integrity.
With the world advancing towards techs and digitalization knowing and having to introspect is what one may lack that’s why this year 2020, we must rather work on it to decrease rather tweet for it regardless of fame and rituals!