All of us wish for new changes in our life which can prove to be beneficial for both our body and mind. It is very important for everyone to stay healthy physically as well as mentally. Therefore, we need to start working on it. We all need to focus on ourselves in order to achieve desired goals. Today, I am here to challenge all of you to take up the 30 days challenge. A challenge that will change you holistically. If you complete the 30-day challenge, you will be unrecognizable.
You just have to follow a pattern that will bring changes in your lifestyle and daily routine. You need to inculcate those activities in your daily life to see a change in yourself after 30 days. By doing this lifestyle will definitely turn into a healthy one. The changes to be made and their benefits are given below!
1. Sleep 8+ Hours | 30-day challenge
Most of us, especially the youth nowadays do not follow a healthy sleeping pattern. We are in a habit of sleeping late and getting up early for work. This affects our bodies in many different ways. Therefore, it is very important for an individual to take atleast 8 to 9 hours of sleep.
Healthy sleep keeps our heart healthy.
It reduces stress and inflammation.

2. Drink 2 Litre of Minimum Water Everyday
We all are so busy in our day to day tasks these days, be it office work, studies, internships, household chores, etc. that we often forget to take care of our health. Drinking a minimum of 2 litre water is very important for everyone. Ergo, all of us need to keep reminders to drink a glass of water every hour.
Water stops headaches, dizziness, and boosts energy.
It keeps our skin clear and healthy.

3. Get Sun Daily
Getting sunlight daily is also very essential for our body. We often hear about harmful sun rays but getting sun for 15-20 minutes daily causes no harm. It provides Vitamin D nutrients to our body which is beneficial for our bones, blood cells and immune system.
Sun can help clear up skin conditions like psoriasis.
Sunshine may help maintain the efficiency of the human eye.

4. No Sugar
All of us love to have sweets but extra intake of sugar proves to be very harmful to our body. Therefore, everyone should quit white sugar for at least 1 month in every 3 months. If not quit then reducing the amount of sugar intake is a must. It can also be replaced with honey or jaggery which are not very harmful to our body.
Reduces risk for diabetes.
Helps in losing weight and prevents obesity.

Also read: 5 Places To Get Delicious Street Food In Delhi
5. Read for 30 Minutes a Day
Out of every 10 people, only 1 or maybe 2 are in habit of reading every day. We are so busy in our mobiles that we don’t take out time for reading.. But all of us should inculcate this habit in our day to day lives to read for at least 30 minutes every day. You can read anything of your choice, your favorite books or newspaper.
Increases general knowledge and strengthens the brain.
Expands vocabulary and improves writing skills.

6. Workout 3x Per Week
A healthy lifestyle is essential for longevity. If not regularly, one should definitely workout and exercise for 3x per week. It helps us in order to stay healthy both physically and mentally.
Promotes productivity and improves overall health.
Slows down cognitive decline.

7. Eat Fruits and Vegetables Daily
People are more inclined towards junk food or fast food these days in order to save time. But we often forget that not having fruits and vegetables or a healthy meal is not good for our bodily health. Therefore, all of us need to change our habits and start having healthy food every day.
Fruits and veggies are rich in vitamins and minerals that help us to feel healthy and energized.
Fruits and veggies are naturally low in calories.

8. Meditate for 10 Minutes Daily | 30-day challenge
The popularity of meditation is increasing as more people discover its benefits. Meditation is a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. All of us should meditate for at least 10 minutes every day.
Meditation makes you happier.
Meditation helps in managing anxiety, stress, and depression.

What do you think of it now? Are you ready to take up the 30 days challenge?
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